When I think and ponder this question, I can only come to one conclusion, not because of my own personal thinking but because of who Jesus is and the things I have learned about Him, through bible study and through the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus care so much about us that He gave His life to save us. It was his human life that he gave up but not His Spiritual and all knowing life. He's God in the flesh, who because of love left His heavenly abode, to come down here and rescue us from sin that has been perpetrated against us by our enemy the devil. There are a number of scriptures that speaks to us about the deity of Jesus, here are a couple.
In Matthew the 21 chapter 12-13, it is through these verses that we see the God-man. Jesus went into the temple and seeing the horrible things that they were doing He began to turn over the tables and said to them, (It is written) that My house shall be called a house of prayer but you have made it a den of thieves. These verses Speak to the deity of Jesus Christ, also in John chapter 2 verse is 18 and 19 Jesus is in a conversation with some religious Jews, Jesus said destroy this temple and I will raise it up in 3 days, but they did not understand that He was talking about His body as the temple, this furthermore demonstrates the deity of Jesus Christ.
So why is it important to know that Jesus Christ is God, because our Christian religion is based on who Jesus says that He is. Think about the above scriptures for a moment, in Matthew Jesus walks in the temple to set those that were using the house of prayer for their own personal gains. Here we see Jesus chastising them for abusing what He called His house.
In John we see Jesus taking on the so called religious leaders, He makes a bold statement concerning His body, He said that he would raise His body from the dead, now we know that only God can raise a person from the dead, so with that said, what is Jesus saying then! Can you connect the dots, can you put two and two together, it really isn't that hard if you allow yourself to be led by the Holy Spirit!
The devil is trying to confuse our minds and our beliefs, so if we do not stay grounded in the Word of God We can lose our way. When we know for a fact that Jesus Christ is God, It will allow us to stand strong and firm in our beliefs no matter what comes our way. Knowing these truths about Christ will help us to be a witness to those that are lost and lonely.
One thing is for certain, in order for anyone to understand the Bible you must be first born again, that just means you must accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, your heart must be influenced by His teaching and the life that you live must reflect in your lifestyle.
I know the question about the Trinity is miss understood by many. The reason for the confusion is really a simple one, if you know and understand what is really going on. So what is going on? We are in a battle for our very lives and the enemy is the author of this confusion. In order to stand above this tide that is sweeping across this land, there are some things we must do if we are to survive.
... First we must let Jesus Christ be Lord of our lives. That means trusting Him for the direction of our lives, because we are no longer in charge and it's about the body of Christ and our personal pursuits are no longer first priority.
... Second we must allow the Holy Spirit to be the teacher or our learning will be in vain and we will be confused by the master trickster. This is why the Holy Spirit is very important to our lives, He is vital to our understanding of God's word and our growth in the body of Christ.
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