Across the spectrum of life, we can find many noble causes to rally behind. These causes all have something in common, they all seem to have the answers to the things that plague mankind. From World Peace, to the environment and to the political climate that has been saturated with many voices, in an effort to address the things that are our deepest concern.
The question here is, do these causes as noble as they maybe, do they really speak the sentiment of its people. Well I submit to you, that as noteworthy as these causes maybe, without God they're only images passing through the night and the impact that they have on society will only be a fading memory.
Look, without God our greatest achievements, will only have the past to echo it's accomplishments. But in God we have a future, only If we choose to recognize His sovereign power. God alone controls every aspect of life, from a tiny blade of grass to the most complex creature that walks the earth, this creature is called man! The evidence is written on the wall, the past is full of voices that have become silent, only because they speak with voices of men and of earthly things. God is spirit and there are voices that will never be silent, because they pay homage to the one that holds the future, past and the present in His Hands.
Without God the world is a lonely place, with nothing to look forward to and as long as man continues to exclude God from his daily living, then mankind will only shrink into the shadows of the past. But there is a place where light have conquered darkness, a place where love has overshadowed hate and a discovered country for many has been realized, a place prepared by the hand of God. underwritten by the Blood of His Son.
This future that I am speaking of is beyond the realm of human thinking alone, this is why we have the Holy Spirit, to help us see and understand our greatest potential!
- Gary Milton Griffith SR
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