Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Without God there is no future!

Across the spectrum of life, we can find many noble causes to rally behind. These causes all have something in common, they all seem to have the answers to the things that plague mankind. From World Peace, to the environment and to the political climate that has been saturated with many voices, in an effort to address the things that are our deepest concern. 
The question here is, do these causes as noble as they maybe, do they really speak the sentiment of its people. Well I submit to you, that as noteworthy as these causes maybe,  without God they're only images passing through the night and the impact that they have on society will only be a fading memory. 

Look, without God our greatest achievements, will only have the past to echo it's accomplishments. But in God we have a future, only If we choose to recognize His sovereign power. God alone controls every aspect of life, from a tiny blade of grass to the most complex creature that walks the earth, this creature is called man! The evidence is written on the wall, the past is full of voices that have become silent, only because they speak with voices of men and of earthly things. God is spirit and there are voices that will never be silent, because they pay homage to the one that holds the future, past and the present in His Hands.

Without God the world is a lonely place, with nothing to look forward to and as long as man continues to exclude God from his daily living, then mankind will only shrink into the shadows of the past. But there is a place where light have conquered darkness, a place where love has overshadowed hate and a discovered country for many has been realized, a place prepared by the hand of God. underwritten by the Blood of His Son. 
This future that I am speaking of is beyond the realm of human thinking alone, this is why we have the Holy Spirit, to help us see and understand our greatest potential!

- Gary Milton Griffith SR 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Freedom at a price

 Someone once said that freedom is the freedom to do what you want no matter the consequences! If this is true, then the destruction of life and limb is of no relevance and the moral attitude of an individual is without judgement. When I googled the word freedom this is one of the definitions that came up. 

noun: freedom

1. (the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.)
"we do have some freedom of choice"
absence of subjection to foreign domination or despotic government.

Well there are many more definitions that we can research from Google to Webster. The bottom line is, are we truly free living without restraints? If you can answer this question, then you will be among the minority which should truly be the majority. 

I believe that true freedom has a respect for life and a moral obligation to those around us, which has no equal. When we live in this fashion, we live in such a way that brings us into a direct connection and relationship to God who is the creator of all life! 

Freedom that is unbridled is not freedom, its only an allusion that is perpetrated against us by our enemy the devil! When we buy into the lie about freedom having no consequences and that we are the masters of our own ship, then we are deceived!

The freedom that Christ died for is true freedom, without it we are powerless to fight the enemy that is pulling at our souls!  

The price that He paid for our freedom will never ever be matched. Think about it, who would allow themselves to be beaten senseless and their blood splatter upon the ground, for your sake and mine, so that we will have a chance to walk in freedom upon this earth and in heaven where our new life will be forever! I tell you there is no one greater than Jesus Christ. He alone paid the price that could not be paid by anyone, except by a mighty God!!!

- Gary Milton Griffith SR.- 

Monday, October 21, 2013

A brief synopsis of my life!

My Life 
Gary Milton Griffith SR 

As I think back as far as I can remember, I was a quiet child, I didn't say much but I did have a love for life. Then one day after taking the sugar cube vaccination for polio at the age of 6 years old, my mother found out that I contracted a touch of the thing that I had been vaccinated for, polio had gripped my young body. This disease made me very sick and weak, I would spent the next 6 months in the hospital fighting for my young life as it was. I had to endure daily hot packs wrapped around my entire body, as well as ice baths and a constant assault of spinal taps and tests after tests.

During my stay in the hospital, many came to see me, my mother brought the preacher to pray for me and many other prayer warriors came to pray as well. 
I believe what the Bible says in James 5:16b, the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man holds a lot of power and it yields great results . Yes it was the prayers and God honor those prayers, He was in the hospital guiding those doctors and nurses that work to get this disease in hand. But after 6 long months I went home, then that quiet young boy was no longer quiet, my energy level had doubled and my gift for gab was born! It was during that time that the preachers and many others would begin to prophesy over my life; a preacher is what they said I would be. I never understood what that meant or why God would allow my body to be ravaged by this disease, but later it all makes sense, God was using me for a purpose, for His glory,  He would use me to tell my story, so that another life can benefit from my experience that would truly bring honor and glory to God!

After much therapy the strength in my arms and legs begin to return and everything appeared to be alright, but as I grew my right arm and hand did not grow as fast as the rest of my body, leaving me with a slightly withered right arm and hand. As I grew older, my right hand would become very visible to all my young peers and then I would become the object of their ridicule, taunts and teasing, as children can be very cruel and because of that I became very bitter and jealous of what they were, normal, so called, but I would learn how to hide my hand in my pocket just to escape the ridicule of those that did not know. 
I became so embarrassed that I would never wear short sleeve shirts, instead I would wear long sleeves to hide my right arm that was smaller than my left.

After years of hiding and enduring, God set my mind free, I no longer felt indifferent, because I understood God's perfection, I was created in His image and physical appearance has nothing to do with it! This is why I continue to praise Him everyday of my life, even through the darkest times of my life, I praise Him while I'm up and when I'm down! 

Years later the prophecy did come true, I became a preacher, preaching the good news to everyone and to anyone! I would later become a ordained Elder in the Church of the Living God, this was the church I grew up in and my mother was a long standing member. 

You would think, that because I was a preacher that I would have it all together, but that was not the case, soon my life would spiral in a downward spin; let me tell you, disobedience would cause me a world of pain and heartache! I would lose my job, and if that wasn't all, the church that I grew up in and became an Elder, would take my license to preach away, all because I receive a wet reckless charge. I can not totally blame them, because after the death of my mother something change within me, I began to live my life with a don't care attitude and as I slipped  further and further away, I was void of the support I really needed, yes, I did have people that said it would be ok, but the true transparency of another was not there; there was many false faces but none that truly spoke to my soul. 
But let me tell you how good God is, what the devil meant for bad, God would turn it around for my good! Yes I may have issues, my life made not be perfect,  but God was not through with me yet, there would be some godly mentors that would come into my life, men that would keep me accountable and I would have a new place to call home, a news church family under the leadership of Reverend Glen R Shields at progressive community church!

I am still a preacher, my pulpit is now on the stage of life, my audience is the readers of Facebook and Twitter and those that receives my daily text messages. I'm still preaching to the world through the poetry that I write, as God uses me to give inspiration to those that may be hurting or in need of a comforting word, or just  some good-old encouragement. 

Now I'm facing a new challenge, the doctors have found a tumor taking up the space of the pituitary gland in my head, I know this is just a temporary set back because I know God is with me. My attitude is totally different now, I am NOT a defeated person, I live My life victoriously through Christ Jesus! 

Sometimes things are difficult I must admit, I have headaches, my hormones are all out of whack and with surgery looming over my head, sometimes it gets a little scary but I have my strength in God and all my hope, even though I am going through it I still find time to give Him glory, to bring him honor and to tell somebody about His goodness, God is not through with me yet and whatever the future holds, this is my life!!! 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

To expose evil you must deal with the beast inside, are you ready for the challenge?

Okay, before we go any further, as we dive into this intriguing subject matter, I believe there are things we must learn and understand before we can't deal with the obvious parts of man that have been exposed to this evil! I believe that this evil has attached itself to us in it's attempt to uncover or leave us vulnerable to its influence, therefore leaving us exposed to it's attack. Without protection man cannot stand against this raging tide of demonic deception that can only leave to our obliteration! 
Deception is the biggest weapon that evil has in Its attempt to control us. By getting us to believe in the lies that evil puts out, the human race suffers and falls to its effects! By keeping us in a convoluted state we will never be able to deal with the sins of our past, present and our future.

Have you ever ask yourself the question, why Is there so many bad things happening in people's lives all around the world? Let's look at some obvious things that are going on in our society and by learning and understanding them, they could  possibly yield some answers to these questions. 
Question (1) Human trafficking Is a phenomenon that have been going on for centuries and before we can understand why this is happening, we must get to the source of the problem.  Now in order to do this we must concede to the fact that there is good and evil all around us, once we have established this in our minds, the next step is to understand that good and evil are not things that you can see with the naked eye, but because you understand that they do exist you must find something to attach each of these forces to, no matter how far removed they maybe! Now because I am a Christian I believe that God is the force behind good and I believe the evil was defeated by Jesus Christ on the cross which has huge applications for us today! The devil on the other hand is behind the evil that has infected the world. 
Now for anyone to believe this you must embrace something bigger than yourself. For me there is nothing bigger or greater than God and His Son Jesus Christ. But if people cannot believe this truth, then the devil has won a victory over that individuals life that cannot believe, and because of this the devil will continue to lie and deceive the world and destroy people's lives! 

Question (2) Child abuse and battered women, both are equally heinous crimes against people and why do these things keep happening over and over again? Well if you have the answers to this, then you may be smarter than most!....  
As I stated before sin is at the core of everything bad in the lives of human beings. And it is my opinion that the devil is behind the sin that has infected us, and our only cure is the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Of course people can believe what they want, that is part of our dilemma as free spirits. One thing is clear and I'm sure most people would agree, something is wrong with our society and If we do not realize that we are more than just human beings, then we will continue to hurt people and as shocking as it is, most of these people that we hurt are children and women and people that cannot defend themselves! 
So you tell me what's wrong with this picture, don't you know scientist the world over and people for centuries have been debating and researching this problem and have not come up with a viable answer. I submit to you that Jesus Christ is the answer to every question that we can raise. 
So before you decide to reject this, truly think hard and long and look at our history and I am sure that you will come up with a good answer, if you allow yourselves to be led by more then you're human side and allow your spirit that was created after God's own image lead you in your decision ! God bless you and I hope that something I've said may stir something in your heart and mine. 


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

#The alternative to war

As we all know War is never a pleasant thing, It only causes more pain in the lives of the people it touches. Leaving lives anguishing over the fact that loved ones lives have been lost, so what good is it, I say absolutely nothing! But I am a praying man and I believe in Jesus Christ as Lord. With that said, I believe that the alternative to war is prayer! So I pray that people can work together and iron out there differences at the table of Brotherly Love. Okay you can call me what you want or think what you want about me, but the bottom line is that we've tried so many other avenues to work things out, but without God in the mix of everything that we do then we're just meeting like ants on the side of the road just waiting for the next wind and rain to come and wash us out. But I believe we are more than that, I believe what the Bible says about us, that we are more valuable to God then the birds that gather and fly round in the air, we are more precious than the grass in the fields and without God we are surely doomed!!! 

Monday, September 9, 2013

#War, what is it good for!!!

People the world over talk a lot about war as a problem solver, is it really a problem solver or is it just a way to turn a blind eye to what is really going on in our world today?.... So what is really going on? Do you believe people really want to know? Well here's my take on it, I believe that to understand our true condition we must concede to the fact that there are two forces at work in our world. Once we can do this, then we can see that there is evil among us! Evil is everywhere and without the sustaining power that can only come from God, then we are lost and our view is muddle and we become like fish floundering out of its natural habitat. Now in order for mankind to truly see and to exist, we must allow the moral principles of God to be firmly intrenched into our lives by His Holy Spirit, otherwise we do not have a chance!!!