As we all know War is never a pleasant thing, It only causes more pain in the lives of the people it touches. Leaving lives anguishing over the fact that loved ones lives have been lost, so what good is it, I say absolutely nothing! But I am a praying man and I believe in Jesus Christ as Lord. With that said, I believe that the alternative to war is prayer! So I pray that people can work together and iron out there differences at the table of Brotherly Love. Okay you can call me what you want or think what you want about me, but the bottom line is that we've tried so many other avenues to work things out, but without God in the mix of everything that we do then we're just meeting like ants on the side of the road just waiting for the next wind and rain to come and wash us out. But I believe we are more than that, I believe what the Bible says about us, that we are more valuable to God then the birds that gather and fly round in the air, we are more precious than the grass in the fields and without God we are surely doomed!!!
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