Someone once said that freedom is the freedom to do what you want no matter the consequences! If this is true, then the destruction of life and limb is of no relevance and the moral attitude of an individual is without judgement. When I googled the word freedom this is one of the definitions that came up.
noun: freedom
1. (the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.)
"we do have some freedom of choice"
absence of subjection to foreign domination or despotic government.
Well there are many more definitions that we can research from Google to Webster. The bottom line is, are we truly free living without restraints? If you can answer this question, then you will be among the minority which should truly be the majority.
I believe that true freedom has a respect for life and a moral obligation to those around us, which has no equal. When we live in this fashion, we live in such a way that brings us into a direct connection and relationship to God who is the creator of all life!
Freedom that is unbridled is not freedom, its only an allusion that is perpetrated against us by our enemy the devil! When we buy into the lie about freedom having no consequences and that we are the masters of our own ship, then we are deceived!
The freedom that Christ died for is true freedom, without it we are powerless to fight the enemy that is pulling at our souls!
The price that He paid for our freedom will never ever be matched. Think about it, who would allow themselves to be beaten senseless and their blood splatter upon the ground, for your sake and mine, so that we will have a chance to walk in freedom upon this earth and in heaven where our new life will be forever! I tell you there is no one greater than Jesus Christ. He alone paid the price that could not be paid by anyone, except by a mighty God!!!
- Gary Milton Griffith SR.-